To Women Suffering With Vulvodynia, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Pudendal Neuralgia, Interstitial Cystitis, And Other Pelvic or Sexual pain…

You can relieve your pain.

Dear Beautiful Amazing Woman,

I know from experience that there is nothing worse than feeling intense constant pain, in the most intimate part of your body, without anything or anyone that can help you get rid of it.

I understand what it’s like when you’ve seen doctors and specialists, and tried alternative treatments and remedies without finding any lasting relief.

When you’ve spent countless hours researching and surfing the net for answers, and still the intolerable burning and pain are there – maybe constantly or maybe in response to things like exercise, sex, standing, walking, or wearing clothing.

It’s hard to think or focus on anything else when your symptoms are there. It’s draining your energy and making it impossible for you to do the things you used to love to do. The idea of having sex makes you so anxious that you have a hard time enjoying physical intimacy at all. You’re so frustrated you want to scream!

Perhaps your mind is spinning with questions like:

“What if I’m going to feel like this for the rest of my life?"

"What if I’m never going to be able to have sex again or enjoy it if I do?"

"What if no one wants to be with me? How can I have children or take care of the ones I have?

"What’s wrong with me? I’m letting everyone down.”

It’s an endless exhausting struggle.

Maybe you can relate?

If so, it’s likely that you’re living with anxiety or depression and an overwhelming sense of frustration and hopelessness.

On top of all of this you may feel too embarrassed to share what you're going through with many people at all and so you feel isolated and alone.

I want you to know that…….

You Are Not Alone and It is NOT YOUR FAULT!

Millions of Women Suffer with Pelvic Pain.

According to Web MD there are up to six million women suffering with Vulvodynia. SIX MILLION!!!! And that's just vulvodynia alone. That doesn’t include interstitial cystitis, pudendal neuralgia, pelvic floor dysfunction, and other common pelvic pain syndromes. I’ve seen estimates of 1 in 3 women when you include all of these.

And I can tell you from my own experience and the experiences of my clients that there are still too many doctors who aren’t aware of what pelvic pain is, nor how to treat it.

If your doctor has told you it’s all in your head, or hasn’t given you any effective solutions, you’re not alone!

Western medicine – as amazing as it is at identifying and treating acute conditions, injuries, infections, etc., - falls short when it comes to the trickier chronic pain syndromes - like vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, pudendal neuralgia, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other chronic pain anywhere in the body.


Because western medicine sees your body as a machine.

You are not a machine.

You are a Mind – Body – Spirit – Emotion system of which your body is ONE PART. These parts of you can’t be separated. What’s going on with your thoughts, emotions, and spirit has a direct physiological impact on your body - the muscles, nerves, organs, and other tissues.

True, lasting and effective healing can only come from addressing all of these aspects of who you are.

This is not a new idea.

It’s been around for THOUSANDS OF YEARS in many different cultures. In fact, western medicine is the newest form of medicine and it is THE ONLY one to separate the Body from the Mind, Spirit and Emotions.What does this mean? It means that even though traditional approaches to healing may not have helped you so far...

You CAN Relieve Your Pain.

And not only relieve it, but learn how to be radiantly healthy and go on to live a rich, rewarding, joy-filled life!

You just have to learn HOW.

That's where I come in.

Hi, I’m Lorraine Faehndrich, Women’s Mind Body Mentor and Pelvic Pain Relief Coach. I’ve been where you are now and I can help.

I’ve relieved my pain and helped hundres of women do the same.

It’s not a quick fix. I don’t have a pill or a solution that’s going to bring you instant relief.

What I do have is a reliable and effective program that will help you reconnect to your body, learn how to use your mind in healthy ways, understand and feel your emotions, and as a result calm your nervous system (including established “pain pathways”), and relieve the stress and tension in your body, so that ultimately you will find lasting relief.

But before I share all the exciting details of my program, let me tell you a little bit about who I am and why I can help you.

My Own Journey To The Other Side Of Vulvodynia…

It all started in my 20s. I left a financially rewarding career because my body was breaking down. I was exhausted, depressed, suffering with regular migraines and anxiety. I started exploring my passions and following my joy and my body healed. The migraines, fatigue and anxiety went away. I started feeling really, really unhappy.

With such a dramatic shift in my health, I wanted to understand this connection between my mind, body, spirit and emotions and their impact on my life.

I spent years connecting to my body and my soul. I became more and more passionate about learning how to access and follow my intuition. I studied yoga and meditation. I spent thousands of hours studying nutrition and naturopathic medicine. I became a massage therapist and a certified life coach and I’ve helped hundreds of men and women connect to their bodies, relieve tension, and learn how to dissolve limiting thought patterns, discover their passion, and create radiant health and more joy in their lives.

Along the way I learned a lot but little did I know that I would have a chance to apply it all 7 years ago when I began suffering with chronic vulvar pain.

First came chronic yeast infections, then pain during sex, and eventually a constant burning and discomfort that none of my doctors could help me with, and that was not only preventing me from sitting and having sex, but from doing everything else I enjoyed.

Because of my previous experiences, I knew my only option was to turn inward and ask my body what it needed. I stopped and listened deeply. I heard the answers, applied what I learned, and my body healed. The pain went away.

Since then I’ve learned so much more about the connection between the mind and body, about how to release limiting beliefs and the physiological stress they cause, about how to process emotions in a healthy way and calm an overstimulated nervous system, about how to connect to your soul and discover your own truth…..and about how doing all of that relieves stress, tension, anxiety, and pain.

And, since healing vulvodynia myself and helping other women relieve every type of chronic pelvic pain, rediscover who they are, and reclaim amazing joyful lives, I’ve become passionate about using what I know to help as many women as possible do the same - relieve pain, heal their bodies, and reclaim the amazing lives that they desire and deserve!

That is what I would LOVE to help you do, too!


The Mind Body Program for Relieving Vulvodynia

and Chronic Pelvic Pain

In this transformational program I am going to share with you the exact same steps I use with myself and my private clients to not only relieve pain but to create an outrageously joyful and magical life!

But that’s not all.

Over the course of our 12 weeks together, I’m going to walk you through the tools, techniques and strategies I use to overcome stressful and obsessive thinking, identify patterns of holding tension, understand how and what your body is communicating with you, access the healing power of your emotions, and connect to your truth, your inner wisdom, your soul.

After our 12 weeks together, you will:

  • Have an in-depth understanding of how thoughts and emotions can lead to chronic pelvic pain (including the science) and what to do about it in order to heal your pain.
  • Have an arsenal of simple and effective tools that will help you break the cycle of mental, emotional, and physical tension and begin relieving your pain NOW.
  • Have support, guidance, and understanding. No more feeling alone!
  • Have powerful strategies to help you stop obsessing and worrying about your symptoms (and everything else) and instead use your mind in ways that can actually heal your body!
  • Have a whole new perspective on your amazing body - and your pain.
  • Develop the ability to let go of the struggle and anxiety - and access hope, peace, greater confidence, and wellbeing.
  • Drop confusion and uncertainty around your treatment plan and step into confidence in your connection to your body, your intuition, and your Soul.
“I feel like my life is being saved….” Program Particpicant

I feel like my life is being saved and I am beginning to see truth that was completely hidden from my awareness. Thank you, thank you! I wish I could give you a big fat bonus. As a person who basically thinks and talks for a living, I know you are putting in way more effort and value than your clients could contemplate.

“I live most days pain free!” Kris Birmingham

First I want to say how grateful I am to have found you! You came into my life when I needed you most. I was at my wits end, exhausted by the pain and not believing that there was any way for it to end! And now, I live most days pain free! Because of this course, I realized that I would panic any time I had the slightest sensation, only making the pain worse and starting to spiral out of control. It was affecting my life in so many ways. I could not make plans without thinking of an exit route before even walking out the door. Now, with the tools that I have learned from you, I find that I am able to be more spontaneous without even thinking about pain. Sometimes I catch myself in surprise that I will go a whole day without even thinking about my body or pain! It is an amazing feeling to rejoice in my own skin instead of trying to escape it!! I enjoy spending time truly present with my husband and daughter instead of always worrying if I’m going to be in pain! All this being said, I know that I still have a long way to go but I know I am finally on the right path! I have only scratched the surface and I’m sure my lizard will come knocking at my door! I’m hoping to invite her in for tea and a chat instead of trying to hide from her! Again, thank you Lorraine for going on your journey so that you could share your wisdom and guidance with us! I am looking forward to staying connected!

“Her program truly made a difference for me and I will be using the tools she taught us for the rest of my life.”

Lorraine’s program has absolutely given me the tools to successfully conquer my 2 year struggle with vulvodynia. I began seeing positive results within 2 weeks of starting her program. Before going through her program, I found myself in what seemed to be an endless loop of pain-frustration-anxiety-depression…..pain-frustration-anxiety-depression….I could never seem to break free from this horrible cycle. Her program truly made a difference for me and I will be using the tools she taught us for the rest of my life.

So, what exactly will you get with the the

Healing Female Pain Program?

A comprehensive and cutting-edge mind body program that addresses the many unique issues that women with pelvic pain face, delivered in 10 weekly sessions over the course of 3 months!

 The Healing Female Pain Program Includes: 


Lifetime Access to 10 Multimedia Modules

As a lifetime member you will get access to 10 exclusive trainings that will walk you step by step through the session material as well as your “healing work” for the week. You’ll also get audio exercises, a workbook, videos and supplemental resources for each module to help you not only learn these new concepts, but successfully apply and integrate them into your life! These transformational learning sessions will empower you with the tools and information you need to relieve your pain.


2 Integration Weeks

There will be two full weeks dedicated to practice and integration. These weeks allow you to work through the program at your own pace as well as take some time off if you need to, and still be able to catch back up.

Join over 250 women other women who have found relief!
Get Instant Access to Healing Female Pain Program Now!

Here's what we'll be covering in each session…


Session 1: Making Sense of the Mind Body Approach

During this session you will gain a deeper understanding of mind body pain relief, discover the role of your nervous system in creating and relieving pain, and learn how to begin calming your nervous system so your body can begin healing!

  • The science and history of mind body healing.
  • Understanding your nervous system
  • Turning on your healing response

Session 2: Stop Resisting, Start Relieving

What you resist persists. During this session you will learn the strategies you need to move away from resisting and towards relieving your pelvic pain, including how to stop obsessing about your symptoms!

  • Six proven strategies for overcoming obsessive focus on your symptoms so that you can decrease anxiety, relieve tension, and free up your energy!
  • How and why the brain uses decoys and how to identify and let go of yours.
  • Develop the ability to be present fully present with your body.

Session 3: Overcoming the Mind’s Blocks to Healing

Learn how to identify and overcome your biggest blocks to healing. We’ll look at perfectionism, self-criticism, self- pressure, “To do” list obsession, worry, etc., and the tools that will help you transform them.

  • Understand Mind Body balance and how to achieve it.
  • Meet your lizard
  • Lead your mind and rewire your brain to think thoughts that will support your healing.
  • Learn effective methods for breaking free from perfectionism, self-criticism and self-pressure.

Session 4: Embracing Your Emotions

This session is all about how to feel and process emotions in a way that they won’t cause pain! This is the most critical skills you need to master in order to relieve pelvic pain and you’re going to get a step by step process to do it, in addition to specific techniques for working with anger and relieving anxiety.

  • What the heck are emotions anyway, and what are they supposed to do?
  • How and why we learn to unconsciously suppress emotion (including the role of past experiences and trauma) and how that affects our body.
  • How to feel and process emotions in a healthy way so that they won’t leave any residual stress, tension or anxiety in your body.

Session 5: Listening to Your Body

During this session you are going to learn how amazing your body is, how to reconnect with it, and how to begin hearing and interpreting it’s messages – no matter how overwhelming or confusing they may seem right now. Your own body will become your greatest ally in relieving your pain, creating radiant health, and living a joyful life.

  • Understanding your body’s language – how to hear and understand your body’s whispers before they turn into screams.
  • Body Skills – how to bring your attention into your body and develop the ability to stay in your body even when your instincts are to get the heck out.
  • Dialog with your body – how to get your body to tell you how much to rest, how it wants to move, what and when it wants to eat – and more!

Session 6: Accessing Your Emotional Guidance System

This session you will learn how to understand your emotional guidance (inner wisdom, intuition). This will not only increase confidence and self-trust, but also help you navigate your treatment decisions, increase joy, and relieve pain!

  • Access your emotional guidance.
  • Welcome anger and it's power to help you heal.
  • Understand and relieve anxiety.

Session 7: The Daily Pain Relief Ritual

This session we’re going to put everything you’ve learned together into one daily ritual for relieving pain and maintaining relief, and you’re going to learn simple and effective techniques to overcome resistance and establishing a mind body practice that is perfect for you!

  • The health benefits of connecting to your soul!
  • The daily pain relief ritual
  • Overcoming resistance to create a consistent mind body practice that feels good.

Session 8: Reclaiming Your Vulva and Vagina

Current research on women’s sexuality shows that the vagina is actually part of the female brain and that as such, it has a fundamental connection to female consciousness and identity. Your pelvic bowl is not only the source of your sexuality, but also your creativity, confidence and power. Unfortunately, as a woman living in this culture, and as a result of experiencing pelvic pain, it is likely that you have partially or completely disconnected from your vulva, vagina and pelvic bowl. This session you will learn how to begin reconnecting. You’ll get to know and love this amazing part of your body and who you are.

  • Uncover the impact of cultural shame on your body
  • Identify and transform negative beliefs around your vulva and sexuality
  • Reconnect with your vulva and your sexual self in a new, positive, and healing way.

Session 9: Cultivating Pleasure

This session we’re going to focus on getting pleasure back into your life as part of your mind body treatment plan! Experiencing pleasure not only feeds your soul, it releases pain inhibiting neurotransmitters and accelerates healing. Unfortunately it’s one of the first things to go when you’re suffering with chronic pelvic pain. This week we’re adding it back in.

  • The healing power of pleasure.
  • Building your pleasure muscle, pleasure research and pleasure breaks.
  • Reclaiming sensual and sexual pleasure.

Session 10: Nurturing Purpose, Passion, and Pelvic Health

This session we’re going to dive into purpose and passion, and how finding and living yours maintains pelvic health and healing. You’ll learn exactly how to begin exploring your passion, re-igniting your inner spark, and getting on the path to your soul’s purpose (or how to stay on it in a good feeling way!) and why doing that relieves stress, tension, anxiety and pain.

  • How to begin exploring your passion, finding and following your bliss, re-igniting your inner spark, and re-discovering your purpose.
  • The Change Cycle and why NOT to get discouraged when it feels like everything is falling apart.
  • How to use your body as a compass to navigate your life and healing.

Plus, you will also receive these Incredible Program Bonuses!

BONUS #1: The Goddess Breath Video

During this video I teach you why it’s so important to connect to your pelvis and start transforming your relationship to this amazing part of your body… I walk you through my favorite tool to help you do it.

BONUS #2: Success Principles

During this audio you will learn the four critical principles that I teach all my private clients, that will set you up for success with relieving your pain and reclaiming your life!

Bonus #3: Monthly, Live Q&A Calls with Lorraine

While you are a member of the course, you'll have the opportunity to join the monthly calls inside of our Healing Female Pain Community. These calls are your time to ask Lorraine questions and get LIVE feedback. 

When and Where?

Healing Female Pain is a distance learning program that can be accessed by phone or online from anywhere!

Upon registration you will receive your Introductory Materials, including your Welcome video, About the Course video, Success Principles audio, and Goddess Breath video.

Your 10 comprehensive learning sessions including audios, workbook, and supplemental materials will be made available each week on your private membership site.

Your Monthly Q&A Calls will be via teleconference or a webcast. You'll receive all the call details and reminders throughout the course as the calls happen.

Can't make the live calls? No problem! All calls will be recorded and available for you to listen to as often as you like. Ask your questions ahead of time in our private community, and then listen to the answers at your convenience.

Ready to get started?

Join Healing Female Pain &  

save $200 for a limited time!

Register now and pay only $695$495
(or 3 monthly payments of $180)

By completing your purchase of the course, you are agreeing to our terms of purchase.

Satisfaction guarantee: 
If you aren’t satisfied with this program for any reason,
you may request a refund within 7 days of purchase.

This is the only comprehensive mind body program available exclusively for women with pelvic pain – which means that it addresses the many unique issues that women with pelvic pain face. If you participate fully with the program – you will see results!

Mind Body Pain Relief

10 learning modules, coaching calls, and bonus content at your fingertips with lifetime access.

Imagine everything you need to understand and integrate a Mind-Body approach to healing your pain into your daily life so you can reclaim your mind, body, and life again.

 Valued at $2,000+ 
Reclaim Your Life

By integrating a Mind-Body approach to relieving your pain, you'll learn to take your focus off your symptoms and get it back onto everything else in your life. You’ll start feeling more confident and hopeful, let go of fearful thinking, and regain the freedom to make plans, do what you love, and be your old self again!

Reclaim Your Body

As you learn to relieve your chronic pelvic pain, you'll develop a new relationship with your body that feels good! You’ll reclaim the freedom to move with joy and begin activities you had previously given up, like walking, sitting, sex, and exercise.


“I am so glad I finally manifested Lorraine and this course into my life."

This course provided so many wonderful tools for me to use to heal my pain. I loved learning about allowing my emotions and body to give me guidance in life. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to interact personally with Lorraine to get her expert advice, and to interact with the other class participants as well. Seeing other women on the same journey as me was a very supportive experience, to help me see that I’m not the only woman experiencing female pelvic pain. I am so glad I finally manifested Lorraine and this course into my life.

- Jennifer

“….It was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

I’ve spent over 8 years in constant, high levels of pain, going from healer to healer trying to find a way to “fix” my broken self. Some things helped but nothing ever took me very far. I’ve never done an online course before, especially one from someone I haven’t heard much about but I was impressed with Lorraine’s approach to things and decided I would try it out because I was so desperate for some support and answers. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. The ability to be surrounded by a group of women in a similar place to mine was so healing as was Lorraine’s support. The amount of time Lorraine spent answering our questions (even if they made no sense or were asked multiple times) was incredibly encouraging and touching. I’ve done a lot of mind-body work and have often felt confused, overwhelmed or full of self blame. The materiel never felt blaming, pushy, or out of reach. Everything was practical and clear and blew my mind almost every week. It probably would have taken me a lifetime to figure out all these tools and processes and I am so grateful Lorraine put it all together so I didn’t have to!

- S.C.

“….I am pelvic pain free…”

I recently participated in Lorraine’s Healing Female Pain program, and am so happy I did. Although I knew there was a connection between my pelvic pain and my emotions before the course, the work allowed me to feel those emotions rather than rationalize and “think them through”. As a result my pain subsided significantly and 6 months later I am pelvic pain free! Lorraine provided a wonderful toolbox of techniques that I continue to use not only for pelvic pain, but for creating a more pleasurable and heart-felt life. I am deeply grateful for her caring, compassionate and effective coaching.

- M.L.

How do you know if this program is a good fit for you? It is a good fit if….

After reading the above class descriptions, you feel optimistic, eager and possibly even excited about getting started!

You suspect there may be a mind body component to your pain, and even if you may be a little skeptical, you are curious to learn more about a mind-body approach. You may have already done some reading and exploring on your own on this topic before.

You have consulted with and are under the care of a doctor. I am not a doctor, therapist, or other licensed medical care provider and can not give you medical guidance or advice about your symptoms or treatment plan.

You are frustrated with traditional medical approaches and possibly exhausted from trying to find something that will get rid of the pain.

You’re willing to try something new and stretch beyond your current experience orknowledge - even if you’re a bit skeptical right now.

You feel hopeful at the thought that the source of relieving your pain lies inside you.

You are willing to be kind to yourself (or at least learn how to be).

You are ready to commit to a process of self- discovery, learning and transformation. In order for this approach to healing to work, you will need to spend time each day (probably between 15 minutes to an hour) connecting to yourself and implementing the tools.

I'm In!

I'm Ready To Join the Healing Female Pain Program today!

Save $200 for a limited time! Register now and pay only$695$495
(or 3 monthly payments of $180)

By completing your purchase of the course, you are agreeing to our terms of purchase.

Satisfaction Guarantee: 
If you aren’t satisfied with this program for any reason,
you may request a refund within 7 days of purchase.

This is the only comprehensive mind body program available exclusively for women with pelvic pain – which means that it addresses the many unique issues that women with pelvic pain face. If you participate fully with the program – you will see results!

If you’re still not sure if a Mind Body approach is right for you……

Do you strive to do things perfectly - and usually think you're falling short?

If you answered yes to any of the above it is likely that there is a mind-body component to your pain and that this program would be a good fit for you.

“This is not your typical online class. It is well worth the time and commitment.”

I found that there are few, if any other, programs like this one available to those who suffer from pelvic pain. It was a gift to find a philosophy that looked at mind-body connections as the causative factor, which I have found to be the case in my own experience, Lorraine’s class format is well organized and provides instruction, tools, and lots of opportunities for interaction with Lorraine through weekly web/phone classes. Lorraine, as the teacher, has an unusual ability to be clearly empathic and genuine even through webcast formats. This is not your typical online class. It is well worth the time and commitment!

“My pelvic pain is so much better!”

Just a note to let you know how I’m doing after taking your course. My pelvic pain is so much better! Your course really hit the nail on the head for me about how my pelvic pain was related to the things that have happened and were happening in my life that led to my pain. I had always pushed these very sad thoughts and childhood memories in the background and refused to acknowledge them and the role that they were playing in my unconscious life. I have worked these things through with my psychotherapist and after about three months of weekly therapy sessions I finally started to feel physically better after almost a decade of pain.

Thank you so much for your insight, encouragement, your reading lists, your experience, and your support. It has really meant the world to me.

This program isn’t for everyone, however…

Please DO NOT enroll if:

  • You are NOT ready or willing to spend time practicing. You won’t receive the full benefit by simply listening to the calls or reading the handouts. To see results, you must use the techniques I will be teaching you on a regular basis (ideally daily). Old patterns and habits run deep so it’s only normal that we have to invest time and energy into learning something new.
  • You are looking for immediate results or a Quick Fix. The tools and techniques you will learn are VERY effective over time, but they take time to learn and integrate into your life, AND your body needs time to heal. During the 12-weeks of this program I will teach you the tools you need to relieve your pain. While you will likely experience some relief during this time, long term and lasting relief may take longer. It takes time to shift long held patterns (but the good news is that they DO shift!).
  • You are experiencing pelvic pain and have NOT consulted a doctor about your symptoms. I am not a medical or licensed mental health professional. You must take full responsibility for your own health, well-being and safety in this program. I recommend you consult with your doctor ahead of time to get the all clear.
  • You are NOT willing or able to be responsible for all of your actions and decisions during and after this program. If you decide to participate in this program, you are responsible for making final decisions about any actions you decide to take or not take during and after this program and you agree to consult with your doctor before making any decisions that impact your health. In particular, stopping certain medications can cause physical or psychological symptoms if the process is not done correctly. Any changes in medications for anxiety, depression, pain, or anything else should be managed in consultation with your physician.
  • You’re having a lot of doubt about whether or not this program is right for you. While it’s completely normal to have some skepticism about a mind body approach to healing (You are after all going up against years of conditioning that says that your mind and body are separate and that to fix your body when it’s broken you must go to an expert who can do something or give you something that will fix it), if you are have significant doubts about participating, I would suggest that you err on the side of caution and not take the program at this time. Your intuition or gut may simply be letting you know that this is not the next right step for you, or that you are not yet ready. For general program questions, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to answer them or help you in your decision.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Why will this program work when nothing else has?


Will this program work for other kinds of pain and health issues?


What if I can't make the live calls (or have to miss a call) during the Self Study Course?


How much time will this take?


I’m concerned that I don't have time to do this right now.


I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. (I can't relax. I won't be able to hear my soul's messages. My patterns are too ingrained.)


Why can’t I do this on my own?

Ok Lorraine, I'm excited to get started!

Register now for only $695$495
(or 3 monthly payments of $180)

By completing your purchase of the course, you are agreeing to our terms of purchase.

Satisfaction Guarantee: 
If you aren’t satisfied with this program for any reason,
you may request a refund within 7 days of purchase.

This is the only comprehensive mind body program available exclusively for women with pelvic pain – which means that it addresses the many unique issues that women with pelvic pain face. If you participate fully with the program – you will see results!

I’m on a mission to help as many women as possible relieve pelvic pain, understand how to be in control of their own health, and start living the amazing lives they desire and deserve which is why the cost of this program is a fraction of the cost of my private coaching programs.

I am fully committed to giving you the tools, information, and support you need to finally relieve your pain. I hope you will join me!

Upon registration you will receive your welcome email with instructions on how to access the membership site. You will receive immediate access to your bonus goddess breath video, reading list, success principles and private community so you can get started right away!

If you are ready to take control of your health and your life and relieve your pain…NOW is the time!

I have created a space for you full of love and possibility - where you will be supported to find the relief and freedom you’ve been looking for.

If you’re tired of trying solutions that don’t work, and you’re ready to get to the root of your pain….. select your program option and REGISTER NOW! I know you’ll be happy you did!

With Love, Magic, and Possibility,

Lorraine Faehndrich

Women’s Mind Body Mentor and Pelvic Pain Relief Coach