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E-BOOK: 7 Reasons You're Still In Pain

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Lorraine Faehndrich is a Women's Mind Body Mentor and Pelvic Pain Relief Coach, specializing in the relief of female pelvic and sexual pain - including Vulvodynia, Vulvar Vestibulitis, Pudendal Neuralgia, and Interstitial Cystits. Through her company Radiant Life Design, she empowers women with the tools and information they need to not only relieve their pain, but break through to a whole new understanding of health and their body, reconnect with their truth and go on to live radiantly healthy joy-filled lives! Lorraine supports women all over the world through her popular blog and online coaching program, Healing Female Pain, as well as private coaching and mentoring. To learn more about how to relieve pelvic pain using a mind body approach please visit